E Cigarette Benefits

Smoking traditional cigarettes can be an unsightly, inconvenient, expensive habit.  E cigarettes neatly address all three of these issues.

No Lasting Odor

Lit cigarettes are always busy stinking something up, whether it's your car, your living room, your workplace, or anywhere else you happen to be smoking.  The odor often annoys people, especially those with respiratory problems and children.  With e cigarettes, the odor is barely noticeable and does not collect in a space due to the way the vapor works.  E cigarettes emit a cool vapor instead of a hot smoke; the difference being that a hot smoke rises to the ceiling until it cools off.  When the smoke cools, it falls and the particles of ash stick to everything it lands on.  The e cigarette vapor starts out cool and cools off even faster, producing both less immediate and no long lasting odor.

No More Stains

Cigarettes like staining things and they're fairly good at it; if you've smoked in a home for a long period of time, you will notice the tops of your walls and your ceiling are discolored from the smoke.  This causes a room to look and smell dirty; upholstery and clothing absorb smoke odor particularly well.  If you hate staining things with smoke, e cigarettes are for you.

No Fire Hazard

Smokeless cigarettes carry with them no more of a fire hazard than any other battery operated electronic device.  Everything from wildfires to house fires have been caused by lit traditional cigarettes; why not eliminate the risk from your life? 

E Cigarettes Are Cheaper

Depending on your own personal smoking habits, e cigarettes can be significantly cheaper than traditional tobacco cigarettes.  It is much easier to take a couple of puffs off of an e cigarette and put it down or put it back in its case than it is to light a traditional cigarette and take a couple of puffs off it.  "Let me finish this cigarette" is a phrase often uttered by smokers in a hurry so they don't waste it; with e cigarettes, there is no waste because it will be there whenever you get ready for it again.